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The Learning Environment

Here are some photos of the parts of the school you will use the most when you begin Gillingstool Primary School.   

  We share school grounds with our friends at New Siblands Primary School.


  There are three different ways into school.



 There are two ways into the Reception class.

You come through the classroom door or through the sliding doors which lead to the garden.


These are the Reception class toilets. They are in the corridor next to our classroom.




This is what it looks like inside our classroom.

We used ECERS (Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale) to streamline the different areas in our classroom and outdoor areas so that each area is clearly defined and purposeful.




This is what it looks outside. The children have access to the outdoor area all day, everyday.


This is the school hall. At lunchtime, we sit at tables and eat our dinner with the other classes.

We also have assemblies, PE, discos, fairs and performances in the hall.


This is the school library. We choose books and listen to stories here.