Aims of of our Mathematics programme
At Gillingstool the purpose of our maths curriculum is to teach a rich, balanced and progressive programme of study which allows pupils to develop mathematical skills and knowledge that they are able to use confidently throughout their lives. They will develop fluent conceptual understanding and become confident in using maths to reason and problem solve in each area. Our curriculum aims to use maths to support children in better understanding the mathematical world around them and as such link maths to real life experiences and ensure it is cross curricular and pertinent to the lives of the children of Gillingstool. Children should develop an enjoyment of mathematics as well as feel confident in using both mental and written methods, including correct selection of methods and operations in a range of contexts.
Our pupils should:
- have a well-developed sense of the size of a number and where it fits into the number system
- know by heart number facts such as number bonds, multiplication tables, doubles and halves
- use known facts to apply to more complex calculations mentally
- calculate accurately and efficiently, both mentally and in writing and paper,
- use a range of calculation strategies
- solve problems and use reasoning skills
- explain their methods and reasoning, using correct mathematical terms
- judge whether their answers are reasonable and have strategies for checking them where necessary
- explain and make predictions from the numbers in graphs, diagrams, charts and tables
- develop spatial awareness and an understanding of the properties of 2d and 3d shapes
What Mathematics looks like at Gillingstool
The National Curriculum (2014) forms the basis of long term planning. White Rose Maths is used as a basis for medium term planning to ensure coverage of all units appropriately across the year. White Rose Maths is also used to support short term unit planning for daily teaching. We also use a range of other published resources to support planning. There is a weekly diet that consists of regular times tables work, varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving, development of mathematical language and discussion, opportunities to work independently, with teachers and with peers in a conducive and supportive environment and regular opportunities for self-assessment, teacher assessment and reviewing, correcting and explaining work.
Each unit of work follows the sequence of fluency, into varied fluency, followed by reasoning and problem solving. Teaching links to prior learning as well as application in a range of contexts, real life situations and encouraging children to explain their methods and answers in more depth. We also adapt our teaching and learning to ensure we provide additional input and support for all children to master the objectives within the unit.
We have an adaptable lesson structure but each will have the key features of:
- A starter or warm up activity linked to times tables, arithmetic or previously taught skills to consolidate and fill gaps. (e.g. fluent in five)
- Mathematical vocabulary is introduced, discussed, modelled and revised.
- 'I do, we do, you do' is used for the main input. This involves teachers modelling, revising and linking to prior learning. Within this children are supported in scaffolding practice as well as independent assessment.
- Independent or Guided Group tasks depending on child ability.
- Manipulatives available for all.
- Opportunities to reason and problem solve.
- Use of oral stem sentences in all year groups and APE (Answer, Prove, Explain) for written reasoning in Year 2 and above.
One lesson a week focuses on recalling and embedding arithmetic fluency and recall of prior knowledge from across all of the national curriculum. This lesson is also used to plug gaps from within the weekly lessons. (photograph to be added)
Our maths environment supports all learners with age appropriate manipulative and models and images in classrooms to support our children (photographs of learning walls to be added).
In Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 we are part of the NCETM mastering number programme. This is taught outside of the lesson as a separate session in KS1 and within lessons in Reception. In KS2, 'Fluent in 5' (photograph to be added) is used within the daily lesson to support recall and embedding calculation strategies. In Year 4 to support pupils in readiness for the Multiplication check we use 'Maths Frame' as well as Times Table Rockstars.
Times Table Rockstars is used to support the teaching and learning of times tables for children from EYFS to Year 6 and this is set as weekly homework and progress is linked to a display in all classes.
We are currently in the process of updating our calculation policy.
Pupils are provided with a variety of opportunities to develop and extend their
Mathematical skills, including:
- Group work
- Paired work
- Whole class teaching
- Individual work including 1:1 enhancements and interventions
Pupils engage in:
- the development of mental strategies
- written methods
- practical work
- investigational work
- problem solving
- mathematical discussion
- consolidation of basic skills and number facts
- maths games and use of ICT
Mathematical Outcomes at Gillingstool
Our curriculum design will ensure that pupils will have developed mathematical skills and knowledge that they are able to use confidently in the next stage of their school career and be confident in selecting the methods, strategies and resources they need. Through becoming confident and fluent in mathematics, pupils will also develop a sense of enjoyment for the subject. They will be able to discuss mathematical concepts and strategies, explain their thinking and respectfully challenge others in their mathematical thinking. We measure the impact of mathematical teaching and learning through the following methods:
- A written entry and exit cards are used for Arithmetic, Fractions and Place Value. We assess other topics through discussions, observations and quizzes.
- Target Tracker to assess and identify gaps (currently being updated) 3 times a year.
- NFER tests are used 3 times a year alongside Target Tracker for Years 2-6 and Year 1 in the Summer term.
- A range of school monitoring activities take place including: Interviewing the pupils about their learning (pupil voice), work scrutiny, lesson observations, data analysis, learning walks, moderation, evaluating intervention.
- Moderation staff meetings where pupil’s books are scrutinised and there is the opportunity for a dialogue between teachers to understand their class’s work.
- Annual reporting of standards across the curriculum, for example: standards of maths within Science
- We also work across a cluster of schools to moderate and complete work scrutinies.
- Evaluating national programmes that we are part of, for example mastering number.