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About Us

Gillingstool Primary School - Headteacher's Welcome

I joined the Gillingstool team in September 2019, having worked for over twenty years in schools across the South West. Over the past five years, I have felt very privileged to work alongside the staff, pupils and parents of such a wonderful school.

Gillingstool is such a special place in which every member of staff knows and cares for every child in the school. This compassionate ethos is promoted at all times and is recognised as a strength of Gillingstool by parents and visitors alike.

Within that caring ethos, we seek to maximise every child’s potential, by working together with parents to provide an education tailored for pupils' needs. We strive to ensure there is support where needed and challenge in every lesson to stretch the minds of all students. Across the curriculum, we will develop creativity, curiosity, initiative, independence and most importantly your child’s confidence and self-belief.


Mrs Caroline Carter

You will have numerous opportunities to participate in this by joining us for events in school and supporting your child with learning projects at home.

We endeavour to enrich the children’s learning through creative planning of unique experiences, educational trips, visitors to schools, imaginative programmes of learning and themed weeks.

At Gillingstool we aim to support our pupils in becoming happy, self-assured, creative, skilled, polite, respectful, caring human beings. The staff are excellent role models in how to communicate, care for and value others. In learning to live our school values the children understand how to extend this caring for themselves and each other, to the local community and the wider world.

The school website offers more information about the school and details about the curriculum. However, at Gillingstool we are always available for questions, so if there is anything that you need to know just pop into the office, speak to a member of staff on the playground or send an email.

I look forward to welcoming you to the Gillingstool Primary School community.