The EYFS Learning Journey
As your child travels through the EYFS they will make their own unique 'Learning Journey'. This learning journey will be documented and evidenced in a combination of ways throughout the reception year at Gillingstool.
The Learning Diary
This a journal-scrapbook type book where the adults working with your child will collect a range of evidence in order to show the progress and independent learning your child is making, as well as to clearly illustrate the characteristics of learning your child is demonstrating.
Your child's Learning Diary may include...
- Observations (formal and informal) made by adults working with your child
- Annotated photographs by adults working with your child
- Snapshots of significant achievements
- Quotes from the child
- Art work
- Mark makings
- Comments and WOW moments from parents/carers
Evidence Me
Evidence Me is an observation, assessment and reporting app which we will begin using in EYFS in Term 3, 2021. The software package fully supports the new 2021 EYFS framework as well as the government guidance. The app will be used to help record and document the children's development and also as a communication tool for parents, who once logged on, will be able to receive photographs and updates of their child's progress and achievements.
EYFS Profile
The EYFS Profile is a legal document that is completed at the end of the school year that your child turns five. Children are assessed as EMERGING (not yet reaching expected levels) or EXPECTED (meeting the expected levels) for each of the 17 Early Learning Goals. Parents receive a written report at the end of Foundation Stage detailing their child’s achievements in each of the 17 areas. The EYFS profile also enables year 1 teachers to plan an effective, responsive and appropriate curriculum that will continue to meet all children’s needs after they leave the EYFS.
As parents, we hope your child's learning journey will be something to treasure, reflect on and share with your child for many years.