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Modern Foreign Languages: French

Aims of our Modern Foreign Languge Programme

At Gillingstool Primary School, it is our intention to provide all of our children with a high-quality education in Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) which will not only develop their skills as linguists but also build their understanding of other cultures within Europe. We believe that learning a language enriches the curriculum, provides excitement, enjoyment and challenge, and helps to develop positive attitudes to language learning throughout life. At Gillingstool, our curriculum is underpinned by oracy and it is clear to us that the skills, knowledge and understanding gained from learning a language will make a major contribution to the development of our children’s oracy and literacy skills as well as to their understanding of their own culture and those of others. At Gillingstool Primary, our school community is diverse and rich in foreign languages, we therefore recognise that our MFL curriculum should teach children the importance of celebrating other cultures as well as lay the foundation for future language learning.


What Modern Foreign Language looks like at Gillingstool

MFL is implemented through the Rigolo scheme of work. This scheme - which focusses on French - is a progressive scheme for years 3-6 which targets all the aims of the (Languages) National Curriculum through an interactive and engaging programme of work. Children are exposed to a range of resources including animated stories, karaoke songs, presentation activities, games, spell, sound and word tools as well as a native French speaking ‘virtual teacher’. Children learn to develop their skills in a range of areas such as pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, cultural insights and oracy.


MFL Outcomes at Gillingstool

• Children will be provided with opportunities to communicate with each other in French.

• Children will learn how language skills can be applied to a range of languages.

• Children will develop their language through development of the four key skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing.

• Children will enrich their language learning by developing an understanding of culture.

The impact will be monitored through:

  • Work scrutinies
  • Lesson observations
  • Staff discussions
  • Pupil interviews
  • Feedback is given to teachers and leaders use the information to see if the children know more and remember more.