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Times Tables Rockstars

Children are expected to complete a minimum of five minutes a day on Times Tables Rockstars in Garage or in Studio.
Children moving up through the ranks or improving their rock speed will be celebrated in class and TT Rockstars certificates are celebrated in our Friday Celebration Assembly. Please let us know if you need help logging on.

Children in Year Four will have a times tables check at the end of the year.

Practise for the test here to ensure you get full marks.


Spellings homework menus are handed out on a Monday and the completed activities need to be handed in on a Friday. If spelling homework is not completed, it will be completed at playtime.


Children are expected to read for a minimum of 10 minutes a day. In Year 3 and 4 children, should still be heard read by an adult. If your child is a free reader then they can read independently but please still make a note of this in the reading record and ensure you listen to them at least once a week. After 100 nights of reading, children will be presented with a brand new book from our prize book cabinet!


Humanities Homework
For each Humanities theme covered (History or Geography) children will receive a Humanities Homework Grid. This will offer a range of activities linked to different subjects all connected with our Humanities theme. The expectation is that children will complete a minimum of four activities across each half term. This homework will be celebrated in school with a showcase afternoon.